2015年5月10日 星期日

全新設計改裝用 Hop UP 系統閃亮登場...

AEG 電槍用新款設計Hop up系統……不同於現在新版的hop調整系統,在設計上加上了新的構思,最大差異點在於,更人性化的微調功能,每個段數差異極小化,可調整的段數變的更多,對應更多不同重量的BB彈,極端的感受,最大化的飛行感受,讓你的直線更直,遠度更遠,連發準度更高,重點還不挑各款不同品牌的精密管跟hop皮,通用所有市售版本,迎槍主體驗無限飛行的可能…

 AEG new design hop up adjustment system, The difference between the new one and old one is, every sigle bit of space, has it owe feeling of it. And you won't be afraid of get too much turn or less beacuse, there is more little spaces to rotate then the old Gen it could use all kind of different gram bbs and menting the maximum linear flinht while having an better accuracy,… most importantly it fits all kinds hop up chamber and inner barrels.